Child carrier slings provide a convenient and comfortable method for transporting infants and toddlers. Constructed from soft, breathable fabrics that are gentle on a baby’s skin and offer support for their developing bodies, these slings enable parents to keep their hands free during various activities or outings. Whether completing daily tasks or going for a walk, parents can choose from various styles and designs to find a sling that suits their needs and preferences. Investing in a child carrier sling allows parents to keep their babies close and secure while maintaining flexibility and convenience on the go.

Top 7 Child Carrier Slings

The KeaBabies Baby Wrap Carrier is an ergonomically designed, lightweight, and breathable baby sling. It is crafted with a soft and stretchy proprietary fabric that evenly distributes your baby’s weight, offering excellent back and shoulder support. This wrap promotes healthy hip development and provides a snug and secure environment for your baby. Easy to put on and suitable for parents of different sizes, the wrap carrier enables hands-free bonding, calming, and soothing for your baby. Additionally, it serves versatile functions, such as a pregnancy support band, postpartum recovery wrap, or nursing cover.

The Shiaon Toddler Sling Carrier is a lightweight and adjustable baby carrier designed for children aged 3-48 months and weighing between 10-60lbs. This carrier incorporates heavy-duty locks and non-slip hip pads to prioritize safety. It facilitates quick and easy in-and-out access, enhancing convenience for parents. The carrier is equipped with a reflective edge design to ensure visibility at night, and its compact size makes it easy to take on the go.

The GOOSEKET Sling is a portable and lightweight child carrier designed for babies aged 6-48 months and weighing up to 44 pounds. It incorporates split padded shoulder straps that distribute the baby’s weight evenly, ensuring comfort for both moms and dads. The strong strap is adjustable to accommodate various body types. Made with high-quality materials, including Premium YKK buckles and a zip, the carrier also features a non-slip hip pad for added safety. The GOOSEKET Sling is easy to store and travel with, making it an ideal choice for parents on the go.

The Jeroray Baby Wrap is a perfect blend of comfort, style, and support. This baby wrap carrier is fully adjustable, catering to individuals of all sizes and shapes, providing a comfortable fit for both women and men. Crafted from a stretchy, soft, and breathable fabric, it is machine washable, ensuring easy cleaning. With the Jeroray Baby Wrap, you can keep your baby close to your chest while enjoying the freedom of having your hands free for various activities. The wrap features reinforced stitching for stability, promoting safe hip development for your baby. Its simple design makes it user-friendly, and the one-size-fits-all feature adds to its convenience, making it an excellent choice for new moms and dads seeking an easy-to-use baby carrier.

The WeeSprout Baby Carrier Wrap is the ideal hands-free solution for busy parents. Crafted with ultra-breathable and exceptionally soft Lenzing Modal, this baby wrap ensures both you and your baby stay cool and comfortable, even in warmer weather. The adjustable easy-tie design allows for a customized fit, accommodating various wearers and facilitating easy sharing. The wrap’s weight distribution minimizes aches and pains, providing relief for your shoulders, back, neck, and hips. Furthermore, it’s machine washable and dryer safe, ensuring easy cleaning. With the WeeSprout Baby Carrier Wrap, you can effortlessly bond with your baby while tackling your daily tasks.

The ACRABROS Baby Carrier Sling is a premium and supportive hands-free baby carrier designed for softer, breathable comfort. Crafted from a stretchy, high-quality blend of rayon and polyester, it offers lightweight and comfortable wear for both you and your baby. The carrier wraps around your back, crossing in the front for inward-facing baby wear. Its double-sided stitching enhances strength and posture stability, promoting safe hip development. The ACRABROS Baby Carrier Sling is a one-size-fits-all solution suitable for newborn infants and babies. With its versatility, comfort, and convenience, it serves as a thoughtful and practical gift for new parents, baby showers, or as a baby registry item.

The BabyBjörn Carrier Mini is an ideal carrier designed specifically for newborns. It features an adjustable seat and head support, ensuring continuous ergonomic support as your baby grows. The carrier is made from cozy and flexible fabrics, providing comfort for your baby, and it is also ultra-soft, lightweight, and machine-washable for easy maintenance. With two front-carrying options, the carrier is easy to put on and take off, offering convenience for parents. Suitable for newborns up to approximately 12 months, the BabyBjörn Carrier Mini is a comfortable and practical choice for both you and your baby.

How to Select Child Carrier Slings: The Comprehensive Guide


Choosing the right child carrier sling is essential for both the comfort of the parent and the safety and well-being of the baby. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a child carrier sling:

  1. Age and Size of Your Baby:
  • Ensure that the sling is suitable for your baby’s age and size. Some slings are designed specifically for newborns, while others are more appropriate for older babies.
  1. Comfort for Both Parent and Baby:
  • Look for a sling that evenly distributes your baby’s weight across your back and shoulders. It should provide proper support for your baby’s neck, back, and hips while keeping them in a comfortable and ergonomic position.
  1. Adjustability:
  • A good sling should be easily adjustable to accommodate different body sizes and shapes. This ensures a secure fit for both parents.
  1. Material and Breathability:
  • Choose a sling made from breathable and soft materials to keep you and your baby comfortable, especially in warmer weather. Ensure that the fabric is sturdy and durable.
  1. Safety Features:
  • Check for safety features such as strong and secure buckles or rings. The sling should have proper stitching and reinforcement to prevent accidents.
  1. Ease of Use:
  • Opt for a sling that is easy to put on and take off. Consider your comfort and convenience, especially if you’ll be using it frequently.
  1. Versatility:
  • Some slings offer different carrying positions, such as front, hip, or back carries. Choose one that suits your preferences and provides versatility as your baby grows.
  1. Washability:
  • Babies can be messy, so choose a sling that is easy to clean. Look for options that are machine washable and quick to dry.
  1. Reviews and Recommendations:
  • Read reviews from other parents to get insights into the performance and comfort of the sling. Recommendations from friends or parenting communities can also be valuable.
  1. Safety Guidelines:
    • Follow the safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer. Ensure that you are using the sling correctly to prevent any accidents or discomfort for you and your baby.

Remember that every baby is different, so what works for one may not work for another. It may be helpful to try out a few different slings to find the one that suits both you and your baby best.

Comfort and Fit

Absolutely, comfort is paramount when it comes to choosing a child carrier sling. Ensuring a proper fit and weight distribution not only benefits the parent’s comfort but also contributes to the baby’s well-being. Here are some additional tips for assessing comfort and fit:

  1. Weight Distribution:
  • The weight of your baby should be evenly distributed across your shoulders, back, and hips. This helps prevent strain and discomfort during prolonged use.
  1. Proper Positioning:
  • Ensure that your baby is positioned in an ergonomic and natural “M” shape with their knees higher than their hips. This is crucial for healthy hip development.
  1. Adjustability:
  • A good sling should be easily adjustable to accommodate different body sizes and shapes. Check for adjustable straps or rings to customize the fit.
  1. Wearer’s Comfort:
  • Consider the design of the sling in relation to the wearer’s comfort. Some carriers offer padded shoulder straps and lumbar support to enhance comfort during extended use.
  1. Fabric Choice:
  • The fabric should be soft, breathable, and gentle on both the parent’s and baby’s skin. Avoid materials that may cause irritation or discomfort.
  1. Temperature Consideration:
  • If you live in a warmer climate, opt for a sling made from breathable materials to prevent overheating. Look for slings with moisture-wicking properties.
  1. Trial Period:
  • If possible, wear the sling for an extended trial period before committing to it. This allows you to assess how comfortable it is during various activities and durations.
  1. Check for Adjustability Throughout Use:
  • Ensure that the sling remains comfortable and supportive as your baby grows. Adjustable features should accommodate changes in your baby’s size and weight.
  1. Seek Assistance:
  • Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from knowledgeable staff or online communities. They can provide valuable insights into achieving the best fit and comfort with specific sling models.

Remember that comfort is a subjective experience, and what works for one person may not work for another. Take the time to explore different options and find a child carrier sling that meets both your and your baby’s comfort needs.


Absolutely, prioritizing safety is paramount when selecting a child carrier sling. Here are some essential safety considerations:

  1. Certification and Standards:
  • Look for slings that have been certified by reputable organizations, such as the International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI). This certification ensures that the carrier promotes healthy hip development for your baby.
  • Check if the carrier complies with safety standards set by organizations like the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
  1. Secure Design:
  • Ensure that the sling has a secure and sturdy design. Reinforced seams, quality stitching, and durable materials contribute to the overall safety of the carrier.
  • Verify that the carrier has a secure closure system, whether it’s buckles, rings, or ties. The closure should be reliable and capable of supporting your baby’s weight.
  1. Ergonomic Positioning:
  • The sling should allow your baby to be positioned in an ergonomic manner, promoting the natural “M” shape with their knees higher than their hips. This is crucial for healthy hip development, and carriers that support this positioning often receive certification from organizations like the IHDI.
  1. Breathability and Airflow:
  • Ensure that the fabric of the sling is breathable to prevent overheating. This is especially important for newborns, who may have limited ability to regulate their body temperature.
  1. Head and Neck Support:
  • For newborns, check if the carrier provides proper head and neck support. Their airways should remain open and unobstructed, and their chin should not be pressed against their chest.
  1. Weight Limit Guidelines:
  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding weight limits. Exceeding these limits can compromise the safety and integrity of the carrier.
  1. Regular Inspection:
  • Regularly inspect the carrier for any signs of wear, tear, or damage. If you notice any issues, discontinue use and address the problem promptly.
  1. Proper Positioning for the Wearer:
  • Ensure that the wearer maintains a comfortable and secure fit as well. This contributes to stability and reduces the risk of accidents.
  1. Educate Yourself:
  • Take the time to educate yourself on proper babywearing techniques. Many organizations and communities provide valuable resources and tutorials on safe babywearing practices.

Remember that safety guidelines may vary depending on the specific design and features of the sling. Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for safe use. If you have any doubts or concerns, seek guidance from experts or healthcare professionals.


Indeed, versatility is a key consideration when choosing a child carrier sling. Here are some points to keep in mind regarding the versatility of slings:

  1. Multiple Carrying Positions:
  • Look for a sling that offers various carrying positions. Common options include front carry (facing in or out), hip carry, and back carry. This adaptability allows you to choose the position that is most comfortable for both you and your baby.
  1. Adjustability:
  • Check if the sling is adjustable to accommodate different body types and sizes. Adjustable straps and buckles can make it easier to achieve a comfortable and secure fit for the wearer.
  1. Ease of Use:
  • Consider how easy it is to put on and take off the sling. A user-friendly design with clear instructions can enhance the overall convenience and versatility of the sling.
  1. Age and Weight Range:
  • Ensure that the sling is suitable for your baby’s age and weight. Some slings are specifically designed for newborns, while others may have weight restrictions that make them more suitable for older babies or toddlers.
  1. Breastfeeding-Friendly:
  • If you plan to breastfeed while using the sling, look for designs that allow for discreet and comfortable nursing. Slings with adjustable panels or fabrics that provide coverage can be beneficial.
  1. Quick Adjustments:
  • Consider slings that allow for quick adjustments on the go. This is particularly useful when transitioning between different carrying positions or when sharing the sling between multiple caregivers.
  1. Weather Considerations:
  • Depending on your climate, consider the adaptability of the sling to different weather conditions. Some slings are designed with breathable fabrics suitable for warmer weather, while others may offer additional warmth for cooler temperatures.
  1. Pouch or Ring Slings:
  • Pouch and ring slings are known for their simplicity and versatility. They are easy to adjust and can be used for various carrying positions. Pouch slings are typically one-size-fits-all, while ring slings offer adjustability.
  1. Storage and Portability:
  • Check if the sling is easy to fold and store, making it convenient for travel or when not in use.

Having a sling that offers multiple carrying options can be especially beneficial as your baby grows and their preferences change. It allows you to customize your babywearing experience to suit different situations and activities.

Ease of Use

Absolutely, the ease of use is a critical aspect when selecting a child carrier sling. Here are some points to keep in mind regarding the ease of use:

  1. Intuitive Design:
  • Choose a sling with an intuitive design that allows for straightforward wearing and adjustment. Features like clear markings, color-coded elements, and easy-to-follow instructions contribute to the sling’s user-friendliness.
  1. Adjustment Mechanisms:
  • Consider the type of adjustment mechanisms the sling uses. Slings may have buckles, rings, ties, or a combination of these. Opt for a design that you find comfortable and easy to adjust, ensuring a secure fit for both you and your baby.
  1. Quick Setup:
  • Look for a sling that can be quickly set up, especially if you’ll be using it for short periods or when you’re on the go. Quick adjustments make it more convenient to respond to your baby’s needs promptly.
  1. Instructional Resources:
  • Check if the sling comes with instructional resources such as videos, diagrams, or detailed written instructions. Having access to clear guidance can be immensely helpful, especially for first-time users.
  1. Practice Before Use:
  • Take the time to practice putting on and adjusting the sling before using it with your baby. This can help you become more comfortable and confident in using the sling, ensuring a smoother experience when you’re ready to wear it with your baby.
  1. User Feedback:
  • Read user reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of other caregivers with the sling. Positive feedback regarding ease of use can be a good indicator of the sling’s practicality.
  1. User-Friendly Features:
  • Some slings come with user-friendly features such as labeled straps, easy-to-grip buckles, or adjusters that can be manipulated with one hand. These features can enhance the overall ease of use.
  1. Size Adjustability:
  • Consider whether the sling is one-size-fits-all or if it comes in different sizes. One-size-fits-all slings often provide more flexibility, but properly sized slings can offer a tailored fit.

Remember that practice and familiarity with the sling will contribute to increased ease of use over time. Choose a sling that aligns with your preferences and comfort level, ensuring that it becomes a practical and enjoyable parenting tool.


Choosing the right child carrier sling can be overwhelming, but by considering factors such as comfort and fit, safety, versatility, and ease of use, you can find a sling that will suit your needs and keep your baby happy and secure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are baby slings good or bad for babies?

Baby slings have many benefits, including facilitating skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn, which can confer great benefits, especially for premature babies. Hospitals often use slings in a practice known as ‘Kangaroo Care.’ It is important to ensure safe and proper use of slings to maximize their benefits.

2. How old does a baby have to be to be in a sling?

The CPSC advises caution when using infant slings for babies younger than four months old. In the early months, babies are still developing neck muscles and cannot control their heads. It is crucial to prioritize safety and follow guidelines to prevent suffocation hazards.

3. Can you carry a 3 year old in a ring sling?

Ring slings can be used for quick up-and-downs with toddlers or for emergency carrying needs. They allow a comfortable off-center or hip carry that maintains a healthy hip position. However, it is important to consider the weight limit and the comfort of both the child and the caregiver.

4. Are baby sling carriers safe?

While baby sling carriers can be safe when used correctly, it is crucial to ensure proper positioning and monitor the baby’s breathing. Some slings can pose suffocation hazards, and it is important to keep the baby’s face visible, neck straight, and chin not pressed into the chest.

5. How many hours a day can a baby be in a sling?

There is no set time limit on how long a baby can stay in a sling, as being carried is natural for them. As long as both the baby and the caregiver are comfortable and happy, they can spend extended periods in a sling.

6. Is baby sling bad for baby’s spine?

There is no evidence that modern babywearing, when done correctly, causes hip or spine problems. Certain populations may have higher rates of hip dysplasia and spine issues, but this is attributed to other factors. It is important to choose a carrier that provides proper support and promotes healthy positioning.

7. Can you put a 2 week old in a sling?

You can start using a baby carrier, including a sling, from day one. As long as the baby weighs at least seven pounds, you can use a carrier in the hospital and on the day of birth. However, it is essential to ensure proper positioning and follow safety guidelines.

8. How do you carry a 4 year old?

Carrying a 4-year-old can be practical and comfortable using a sling or carrier that distributes weight evenly across your body. This can be more comfortable than carrying a heavier child on your hip, shoulders, or in a piggyback position. Using a sling or carrier also keeps your hands free for other tasks.

9. Is there a carrier for a 3 year old?

Preschool carriers, typically buckle carriers, are available for children aged 3-5 years. These carriers are designed to provide comfort and support when little legs get tired. They allow parents to carry their older child while on the move.

10. How long can you carry a child in a sling for?

There is no real upper limit on how long a child can be carried in a sling or carrier. It is similar to carrying them in your arms. As long as both the child and the caregiver are comfortable, there is no set time limit for carrying a child in a sling.